Naomi Oxley 1774-1856

Wife of a labourer. Born Rothwell, lived South Kirby- this ~20 k NW of Doncaster & ~20 k SE of Wakefield . Rothwell ~8 k N of Wakefield.

1774. Naomi HOxley was born to Joseph HOxley on 24/4/1774 in Ouzelwell Rodell(Rothwell) - Ancestry

1796. Naomi Oxley married John Cooke on 24/11/1796 in South Kirby

1797. Joseph Cooke was born to John & Naomi on 17/4/1797 in South Kirby

Other children were: John & Sarah 1799; Mary 1800; Hannah 1803; Annis 1905; George 1808 and William 1810

1841C South Kirby, Pontefract . Where is her husband?

Naomi Cook Female 65 1776 Yorkshire, England
Hannah Cook Female 35 1806 Yorkshire, England


1851C. South Kirkby Hemsworth

John Cook Head Married Male 74 1777 Laybourer South Kirkby, Yorkshire, England
Naomia Cook Wife Married Female 77 1774 Laybours Wife Rodell Yorkshire, England

1856. Naomi Cooke, 82, died 14/7/1856 in South Kirby


Cooke Index