Thomas Matthews ~1797- 18


1819. Thomas Matthews married Mary Lawton in High Hoyland on 11/4/1819 - FMP

Due to the discrepancy with children born 1806-1816 showing in the 1841C maybe Thomas had been married previously

1822. Joseph Mathews was baptised to Thomas , weaver, & Mary on 15/9/1822 in High Hoyland- this ~ 5 k to the E of Denby, slightly further from Shelley & Shepley & Kirkburton

Seemingly dead by 1841C

1841C. Mary Matthews, 55, was living with 5 children- maybe some grandchildren, Field Head , Kirkburton, Huddersfield. John 35 farmer, Joseph 20 butcher

Mary Matthews Female 55 1786 Yorkshire, England
John Matthews Male 35 1806 Yorkshire, England
Ann Matthews Female 30 1811 Yorkshire, England
Jane Matthews Female 25 1816 Yorkshire, England
Joseph Matthews Male 20 1821 Yorkshire, England
Edward Matthews Male 15 1826 Yorkshire, England
Elizabeth Ann Matthews Female 8 1833 Yorkshire, England
Mary Jane Matthews Female 0 1841 Yorkshire, England
Mary Howarth Female 30 1811 Yorkshire, England
Harriot Howarth Female 5 1836 Yorkshire, England
Lavinia Howarth Female 4 1837 Yorkshire, England
Joseph Matthews Howarth Male 1 1840 Yorkshire, England

Coole Index