Earlier Cooke

This page from 1920 Geoffrey Baldwin Cooke's research -thanks! He was a descendant of George Cooke 1830 & Mary Wright/Baldwin 1821- 2nd cousin of Nigel's

"The early Cookes were from Wrigglesworth, Rothwell (1650) moving to South Kirby around 1775 when Joseph Cooke married Sarah Gill of Ackworth - her forebears were named Bambrough, tailors for 3 known generations back to 1640 "

James Cooke , buried 20/3/1716, married Elizabeth Athew? in Wigglesworth(Rothwell) on 29/5/1683

They had:

James Cooke 1688-1753, who married Rose Pickles on 8/11/1716, she buried 28/8/1732

They had:

James Cooke 1722-1783

He had:

Joseph Cooke, (agricultural worker -from Geoffrey) 1746 -1826 who married Sarah Gill 1748.Ackworth, -1817 on 28/11/1775 in South Kirkby

They had:

John C ooke 1776 in South Kirby

Cooke Index